Home News Asbestos Roof Repair, Replacement or Removal

Asbestos Roof Repair, Replacement or Removal

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Last Updated on 30 September 2024

One of the most common questions we are asked as an asbestos consultancy is around asbestos roofs.  So in this blog post, we will provide all the information you need on asbestos roof repair, replacement and removal.

General Asbestos Roof Information

Asbestos cement roofing products are one of the most ubiquitous roofing materials on older industrial and commercial properties.

The life expectancy of an asbestos cement roof is 25 to 40 years (according to RICS) and many could be at, or near the end of their economic life, suffering from a range of issues. However, the ‘life’ of an asbestos roof can be longer based on a range of factors. Factors include; Original manufacturing specification where different products have differing thicknesses, shapes and structural integrity. Acid rain exposure, greater rainfall, relative position to the sun, damp, moss and lichen growth.

Over time, metal fixings can rust allowing sheets to move. Rooflights can fail and become punctured. Additionally, over time the cement sheets can weather and crack. In many cases water ingress becomes a real issue. Add to the limited thermal efficiency of cement sheets, questions begin to arise about the maintenance, repair and possible replacement.

An initial inspection should be carried out by an independent roofing surveyor (Not someone selling a product) to establish what the current relative condition of the roof is in respect of cracks, holes, moss and structural integrity – either externally or internally.

Every roof may exhibit some or all of these factors. Hopefully this article will provide a basis for a cogent thought process and ensure your decision making is as robust as possible around how to proceed.

It is important to also remember that if your industrial building was built prior to 2000, then under the Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAR 2012) then there should be some form of management asbestos survey or similar assessment already in place. Should you go ahead and have any major works, it could also require a refurbishment asbestos survey.

RB Asbestos provide independent advice to assist clients and the general public. We don’t remove asbestos, nor do we have any financial arrangements with companies that remove, repair, replace or coat asbestos roofs.


asbestos roof sheeting


What do we need to establish before we make any firm decisions on an asbestos roof?

Ownership of the building

This Is a relevant factor. Do you or your company own the building or is it leased? This is important as you could pay for repair or replacement for part of the building you don’t have ownership of. Always read the lease and get expert help if required.

Landlords typically will want to spend as little as possible repairing and maintaining a building. Good landlords may see the benefit in repair or replacement of an asbestos roof (or co-funding the work with the tenant) as a long term investment. If it’s your building, the capital investment may be worth it in the long run.

Long term use of building

Are you likely to be there in 50 years or could the business move on before that time? What if you need to expand the business and move sites in a few years? Does your company manufacture or store items below the roof? Would water damage from a roof be covered by your insurers? If the landlord looks after the roof as a separate maintenance item under the lease, does their insurance cover you?

Pensions and Building Valuations

These may be a consideration for lending. If you are considering putting the property into a pension arrangement, then it will probably need to be valued and surveyed. If you are borrowing money against a capital asset, the same process as for pensions will be used. The current ‘state’ of the roof will have a bearing on valuation. As with any major decision you should consult the appropriate specialist for each element.

So what are the main treatments for asbestos roofs?

Minimum treatment is usually a repair. This can be to fixings, roof lights which can leak and be replaced, replacement of broken sheets, or some minimal coating or sealing in areas where water is coming through. In many cases, the water ingress will be around roof lights, bolts or rainwater goods.

Another approach is coating the roof with a product that increases the waterproofing and possibly the thermal insulation properties. The latter of which is important as we move towards better carbon efficiency.

These coatings often come with guarantees. They can be expensive and guarantees for products must be viewed with some element of question. For example, If they offer a ten or twenty year guarantee, then how long has the company been around and ‘can you show me a ten year old version of the product on a particular building?’ would be a useful question to ask.

Some of these products are a basic waterproof coatings and some are hard foam application, with a further weatherproof coating on top.

Over cladding the asbestos with modern metal roof sheets is relatively popular, but can come with some nasty surprises. These include ‘how are the sheets are fixed?’ In some cases, the new fixings will puncture the asbestos roof sheets below. This can cause contamination of the space below and expose individuals to asbestos fibre. It could contaminate any lining panels or industrial process machinery below the roof. In many cases, a false scaffold deck needs to be constructed below the roof, sealed air tight and then cleaned daily of any asbestos. This of course increases the expense. At the end of the process, you have a nice shiny new roof which is water tight and more thermally efficient. However, you still have an asbestos roof you need to manage. Would a future building sale then be affected by the asbestos still being present?

Replacement of the roof can be expensive and cause disruption to trading. However, it can also be a better option long term. New roof, superior thermal efficiency, no management of asbestos. The big plus is the capital relief on the costs which can be up to 150%. The tax relief can extend to include the survey, scaffold, removal and disposal of the asbestos material. There are qualifying factors to the tax relief and you should consult an accountant with experience in this area. This process could also substantially increase the capital value (and rentable value) of the building.


corrugated asbetos roof


Consider Quality of contractors for asbestos roof repair or removal

When undertaking this type of work, the quality of the contractors is often questionable. We often see work being carried out by operatives without the required asbestos training. Several times we have seen companies using workers with ‘asbestos awareness training’ instead of ‘none licensed training’. The method statements provided have little relevance to advice easily accessible from the HSE via the ‘asbestos essentials series (available on their website), which is an excellent resource of method statements and appropriate training for this type of work. Always check out any contractors and use organisations like ourselves to ensure their selected methods are appropriate and comply with the legislation.

In conclusion

Every asbestos roof should have a bespoke approach based on the information described above. There isn’t a one size fits all, so don’t necessarily be seduced by promises about quality, longevity and thermal efficiency. There are many factors to be thrown into the mix before you make a decision that’s right for you, your business and the building you own or occupy. Do your research and only then decide what should work for you.

Need professional advice?

We hope that you found our latest blog article all about abestos roofs both interesting and informative.  If you need any help or advice in regards to asbestos in your property then we’ll be very happy to assist you.  Give us a call and our experts will give you some advice and guidance on whatever if is you’re concerned about.

Please contact us on 0800 141 2676, email us at info@rbasbestos.co.uk or fill in the form below.

Our professional surveyors conduct inspections and surveys every day across the UK on all types of properties, both residential and commercial, for private home owners and commercial property Managers and owners.  So when it comes to managing ACMs in your property, you’re in very safe hands with RB!!

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